Dublin Food Chain Events

Grow with Aldi Information Seminar 2023

This event has finished. To find out more about the event, please read the event report.
Read The Event Report
Date & Time:

Monday, January 23rd, 2023 | 3:30 PM



Ticket Price:


Target Participants

This in person event will provide participants with an understanding of how the Grow with Aldi small supplier development programme works. It will provide you with all the information you need to help to apply, and also a brief rundown and insight into the 2023 programme schedule.



    Buying Director Aldi Ireland
    Overview Grow with Aldi
    Grow with Aldi Team
    Meeting Aldi Technical Requirements
  • Grow with Aldi Producer Case Study
    ​Founder Cookie Dó

The 2 Aldi speakers will be joined by Dublin producer Cookie Dó, who completed the Grow With Aldi programme and secured listing.

What is Grow with Aldi
Each year Aldi seek out over 25-30 small Irish suppliers, who are supported and mentored to launch their product in 153+ Aldi stores nationwide in a special buy launch, with the opportunity of a longer-term core listing.


**Anyone purchasing DFC Member Tickets must have valid DFC Membership on the day of the event. If you would like to join the Dublin Food Chain please go to https://www.dublinfoodchain.ie/join-us/.

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Dublin Food Chain is a collaborative initiative of Local Enterprise Offices in the Dublin area. The Dublin Food Chain is part of an ongoing effort to harness the power of the 'collective', in order to ensure that Co. Dublin's unique food heritage benefits from the attention it deserves.

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Dublin Food Chain 2025

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