12:00am, 21st January 2020
The Spencer Hotel - IFSC, Excise Walk, International Financial Services Centre, Dublin 1, D01 X4C9, Ireland
This event will provide participants with an understanding of how the Grow with Aldi small supplier mentor programme works, it will provide you with all the information you need to help to apply, and also a brief rundown and insight into the programme schedule.
You will get the unique opportunity to hear the story of one grow supplier from 2019 who was one of five lucky suppliers to be awarded a 12-month core range listing.
This event is being led by LEO Dublin City and will be held in The Spencer Hotel IFSC https://www.thespencerhotel.com
**Anyone purchasing DFC Member Tickets must have valid DFC Membership on the day of the event. If you would like to join the Dublin Food Chain please go to https://www.dublinfoodchain.ie/join-us/.
Dublin Food Chain is a collaborative initiative of Local Enterprise Offices in the Dublin area. The Dublin Food Chain is part of an ongoing effort to harness the power of the 'collective', in order to ensure that Co. Dublin's unique food heritage benefits from the attention it deserves.